Thursday, May 17, 2012

Major General George Pickett (1825-75)

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Lady with Shawl

The original is set in a red leather cover case, dated 1821 and was a miniature by my previous post, Anna Claypoole Peale. This, complete May 2012. Sold. West Collection.

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Anna Claypoole Peale?

Anna Claypoole Peale was originally painted in the period 1808-1810 by the father, James Peale. It is "tentatively identified as Anna, according to the reference, a catalogue, "A Gallery Collects Peale" by Robert Devlin Schwartz. "The portrait might have been conceived as a formal presentation of Anna who had grown to womanhood and within a few years would take over her father's business of painting miniatures." Anna's portraits are some of my favorites. This, complete in May 2012. Sold.