Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lydia Coit Terry

This portrait's original exits in The National Gallery, DC and is by Samuel Morse, c. 1824. She is otherwise known as Mrs Eliphat Terry. Completed in September of 2012.

Commodore Jacob Jones USN (1768-1850)

Jacob Jones was born in Delaware and studied medicine at The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He also studied law and was appointed clerk of the Delaware Superior Court befor entering the Navy as a midshipman in 1799. Jones ultimately became one of the most celebrated heroes of the War of 1812. Original by Rembrandt Peale. From catalog, A Gallery Collects Peale by Schwartz Gallery of Phil. This complete September 2012. sold

Boy in Red Coat

This young fellow is copied from a portrait in The National Gallery, DC. I know not his name. Complete September 2012. sold

Young Man of Sad Countenance

The original portrait is in The National Gallery, DC. Completed August 2012. Sold. West Collection

Girl on Yuengling

Original in The National Gallery in DC. This completed in August 2012. Sold. West Collection.

Young Man with Yellow Scarf

Original hangs in The National Gallery in DC. Completed August 2012. Sold.

Girl on Yellow Day Soda

I know very little about who this is except that her portrait hangs in The National Gallery in DC. Completed in August of 2012. Sold. West Collection.